Dec. 10, 2021
Prototyping Malicious IP Protection on the Cloud in Two Days with CAIOS
Solution Architects and other developers are looking for ways to simplify software prototype creation. However, there can be significant friction testing and deploying prototypes and MVPs to the cloud, given the specialized cloud platform expertise and thousands of lines of resource and role configuration needed to run traditional code on a platform like AWS.
The latest in Infrastructure from Code, available from BlackSwan and its affiliate, BST LABS solves the speed and complexity issue. CAIOS, the Cloud AI Operating System, contains a Cloud Compiler that automatically interprets common programming language code and transforms it into a complete cloud configuration and functional specification – on-the-spot.
In BST LABS’ latest Medium blog, we explore how one CAIOS user created a cloud software component to monitor known Malicious IP Addresses and automatically block them from connecting to a cloud account. The most noteworthy aspect of this project is the speed and incremental approach achieved in the concept-to-development/test/deployment lifecycle. A Solution Architect created the software in just two days and deployed on an internal Cloud without DevOps involvement.
Read the full article by BlackSwan’s Scott Lichtman on Medium here.
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